Kazakh Pres. Narbayev dispenses lifestyle advice

>>An early morning work-out and high-brow reading are key to success, says Kazakhstan’s president

On a visit to a school in Astana, Kazakh president Nursultan Nazarbayev had some advice for the country’s youth (Sept. 10).

He credited his success to an hour of exercise each morning and to his high-brow, if somewhat eclectic, reading material.

“I get up at 6.30am and do physical exercise for exactly one hour,” he said according to the Tengrinews website. “When you get used to living with it, you can’t do without it.”

And on his reading habits, Kazakhstan’s only post-Soviet leader and the self-styled Father of the Nation said that he took his inspiration from a select group of high-brow authors; Russian writers Leo Tolstoy and Anton Chekov, the Roman philosopher Seneca and the French 19th century novelist Honore de Balzac.

“You should read and not sit in social networks,” Mr Nazarbayev said on his visit to the school. “Social media is a fashion and will pass.”


>>This story was first published on Sept. 11 in issue 151 of The Conway Bulletin

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